Below: Holiday Campaign in the likes of Buick.
Below: Shamrock Shake Campaign - McDonald's
Social Media Design
Social Media Design
Order Screen Design
Order Screen Design
OLA Design
OLA Design
OLA Design
OLA Design
Billboard Design
Billboard Design
Sketch - Pencil
Sketch - Pencil
Logo - Adobe Photoshop
Logo - Adobe Photoshop
Product Label - Adobe Photoshop
Product Label - Adobe Photoshop
Product Mockup - Downtown Detroit, MI
Product Mockup - Downtown Detroit, MI
Above: Detroit Craft Soda Company. 
Process: Sketched and rendered label. Created label in Adobe Photoshop. Designed several flavors. Printed label, secured to can. Mockups taken in Rochester, MI.
Below:, a full scale marketing company. 
Process: Created logo based off bold color scheme and hyper font. Webtile rendered using Adobe Photoshop. T-shirt design created using Adobe Illustrator. USPS Postcard and promotional ad created using Adobe Illustrator.
Below: Sonic The Hedgehog 3: Tabletop Movie Theater Display. 
Process: Drew sketches of 3D model, created movie flats in Adobe Photoshop, printed movie flats and cut using exacto knife. Constructed using rubber cement, foam board paper, and scissors. 
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